The news of Anthony Bourdain’s death broke during the workday on June 8th. I’m so sad about his passing. It brings me some comfort to have seen in news and social media how much he meant to others as well. Although a television personality, he seemed so honest about his perspective, so humble, so raw, that it’s easy to feel like you know him, and really get him as a human.

I admire everything about the way he interacted with the world. He never treated new cultures as “other” and was open to unfamiliar kinds of beauty. I admire the way he allowed himself to experience the human condition, to be wounded by the things that steal a piece of your heart. Our society was better with his voice in it. I will miss having him as a guide.
I can’t shake the memory of one of his shows in Vietnam, I believe, where he indicated he looked forward to a full and happy retirement there, eating street food and living a simple life. I am so sad for him that he couldn’t have that in this life.