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Prompts for Reflecting on 2020

Writer's picture: MaryMary

The days between Christmas and New Years are some of the best the calendar has to offer. It's a week of quiet, an opportunity for rest and reflection, and a chance to wrap up those last, year-end tasks. An added bonus: with the winter solstice past, the days are slowly but surely getting longer again. This week, we look forward into next year and make resolutions (if you're into that sort of thing).

turmeric latte with packing materials
Sipping my turmeric latte and packing up the last orders going out in 2020

I'd put on my December list that I planned to reflect on 2020 as an exercise with Kevin. I wanted to try to make sense of this wild year, and to take time to think about what it's all meant for the two of us, individually and as a couple. I wrote a few prompts to help us get into a conversational mindset, focusing on lighter topics at first, then moving toward deeper reflection.

Reflection for yourself

What comes to mind as a favorite meal that you ate this year?

What's something you're glad to have been able to find more time for?

How have you grown professionally this year, and was it different from what you expected?

What were two of the biggest disappointments or challenges you faced in 2020?

What was something that you struggled to let go of in 2020?

What are three of the best things to have come out of this year?

Reflection with a partner

What was your favorite quarantine activity that we did?

What's a memory that stands out from early pandemic life?

What are the first things you'd like to do when we can safely be around people again?

Describe some ways our dynamic has changed since the pandemic began.

What do you think we did well as a team this year?

What's one way I can better support you?

Set three goals together for 2021 (big or small).

Looking forward

What is a new habit, routine, or ritual you've developed that you'd like to continue in 2021?

What three words describe your hopes for 2021?

What's one fear that you are bringing with you into 2021, and what's something that will help you face it?

When you picture yourself happy in 2021, what do you see?

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